Come see your olive tree(s)

New Olive Trees are planted at the lands of farmers who have joined the Olivami Association. The main planting ground is in the countryside around Carpignano Salentino, between Maglie and Otranto, in the heart of Salento; the other olive groves are in Martano, Melendugno, Serrano and Borgagne.

Would you like to visit your olive tree(s)? Find out now where the olive grove in which it was planted is located.

How do I find my Olive Tree?

It will be very easy to recognize by the wooden plaque hanging on each olive tree. We have organized them in order of increasing adoption, so as to make searching easier and faster. Each tag will also be engraved with the name of the adopter and the name you assigned to the olive tree at the time of adoption. This will allow you to travel independently to the olive grove where your olive tree is located or, if you prefer, you can book a visit and be guided by the Olivami Staff.

Our Olive Groves

Do you want to find out where your tree is located? Here are all our olive groves organized by adoption code.

Can I visit my olive tree?

You can book your visit by selecting an available date in our Calendar. We use a visit reservation system to ensure the best reception for everyone. You can also contact us by e-mail at or write to us at +39 389 179 5863, about 2-3 days before your visit, to let us know the day and time and allow us to welcome you in the best possible way.
The olive tree tour can take place Monday through Thursday mornings from 9:00 to 10:00 and 11:00 to 12:00.

Adopt an olive tree in Salento

Adopt a Salento olive tree and participate in the reforestation of Salento. You choose how many olive trees to adopt, selecting the adoption plan you prefer from those proposed below. All our adoption plans are annual, with the possibility of being renewed from year to year, without any restrictions.

A Concrete Help

By adopting an olive tree you concretely help olive growers to return to the Salento countryside , devastated by Xylella. We can inject strength and confidence into their hearts, helping them and their surroundings as well. The new olive trees will in fact contribute to the absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere : each olive tree absorbs about 600 kg of CO2 every year! And millions of them have disappeared throughout Puglia ...

A tree is forever

Adopting an olive tree means leaving your mark on Salento forever! Olive trees can survive over the centuries, leading the generations who live in their territory. When you adopt an olive tree on Olivami, you can assign a name to your tree , which will be engraved on a plate hanging from the tree itself. Weatherproof, this plate and the olive tree itself will be witnesses of your help in Salento, over the centuries.

An Original Gift

Give an olive tree as a gift? Yes, that's right, and it's very simple! During the adoption you can choose to give the tree / s to anyone you want: partner, parent, friend ... You will be able to dedicate the name of the tree to the recipient and send him a personalized message, which we will deliver by e-mail.

Read the opinion of those who have already adopted an olive tree!

We collect feedback from everyone who has adopted or given an olive tree on Trustpilot , as a means of transparency and sincerity