Why is Olivami born
Xylella destroyed over 21 million Salento olive trees
In the last 5 years, over 21 million Salento olive trees have disappeared , destroyed by Xylella. Salento, which has always been a land of olive trees, found itself witnessing a dramatic scenario, forced to eradicate secular and old olive trees , which represented the most lively family tradition.
Erasing the history, traditions and work of our farmers
Due to Xylella, over 5,000 olive growers have lost everything : fields, work and traditions. It had a psychologically devastating impact especially on those families who had olive fields as their only form of sustenance.
Reducing the production of Salento oil by 80%
All of this resulted in one 80% reduction in Salento oil, leading to a decrease in national production of 50%. For 5 years now, the national production of oil has not been able to meet the demand, and Italy from a large producing country has become an importer of olive oil.
Pollution rate increased by 8%
Over the past 5 years, the pollution rate has increased by 8% . You may not know it, but the olive tree is one of the plants with the greatest ability to subtract CO2 from the atmosphere: each hectare of olive tree removes 9.5 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere every year. That is about 730 Kg of CO2 per year for each olive tree.
Olivami: the concrete answer to the problems brought by Xylella