Xylella destroyed 21 million olive trees

Over the past 5 years, over 21 million olive trees have disappeared, destroyed by Xylella. Salento, which has always been a land of olive trees, found itself witnessing a dramatic scenario, forced to eradicate secular and old olive trees, which represented the most lively family tradition.

Destroying the history and traditions of Salento

Due to Xylella, over 5,000 olive growers have lost everything: fields, work and traditions. It had a psychologically devastating impact especially on those families who had olive fields as their only form of sustenance.

With an 80% reduction of our oil

All this resulted in a reduction of Salento oil of 80%, leading to a decrease in national production of 50%. For 5 years now, the national production of oil has not been able to meet the demand, and Italy from a large producing country has become an importer of olive oil.

Help the farmers get back to the fields.

Adopt an olive tree, help us save Salento.

Adopt an olive tree in Salento and participate in the reconstruction of Salento. Choose how many olive trees to adopt and select the adoption plan that you prefer among those proposed below.